Social commitment

We adopt respect for the dignity of people as an indispensable principle in our operations and we contribute positively to it.

Through our Human Rights policy, we work to generate actions that ensure the well- being of people in all the social spaces in which we have a presence and we consolidate the bases to continue
advancing in that direction.

I want you healthy

We promote the health and well-being of employees through free access to preventive check-ups in the services of: dentistry, ophthalmology, obstetrics, nutrition and clinical analysis, in order to prevent diseases. We work in coordination with health centers and regional institutions.

Leading with Purpose

Through workshops we reinforce the soft skills of workers to build empathetic and assertive relationships between teams, generating a positive impact on the performance of their work and their professional and personal environment.

Sowing an environment free of violence

Program that disseminates preventive measures against situations of harassment and sexual harassment within our facilities, through awareness workshops given to workers in coordination with the Women's Emergency Centers.

Rehoada de Matta Housing Complex

Agroindustrial Beta provides its employees with facilities to obtain their own home, in agreement with the NGO COPRODELI, Techo Propio Program and Fondo Mi Vivienda. The Rehoada de Matta housing complex, located in the district of Chincha Baja, Ica, has a Medical Center, Educational Institution, permanent surveillance, green areas, recreational areas and commercial stores and is made up of 200 homes.

Beta with you

Families from the communities near our operations, located in the departments of Piura, Lambayeque and Ica, receive free preventive health care and quality medicines. This program is carried out in coordination with local authorities and health centers in the area.

Let’s go Beta

It is a corporate volunteer program implemented in the company since 2017 where workers develop soft skills to lead initiatives to benefit the communities near our operations. In addition, volunteers are trained in issues related to the development of social projects, labor rights and clown workshops.

Volunteer Kallpachay

Multi-company volunteer program led by the NGO “Asociación Trabajo Voluntario”. The objective is to close education gaps through the reinforcement of school classes provided to children and adolescents from schools in different areas of the country.

Guided visits

Through this program we open our doors so that our company's stakeholders can learn about the agronomic management of crops and their processes in packing plants, thus sharing our management, knowledge and experience in the agro-industrial sector with transparency.

Agricultural Rescue

Program developed in coordination with the NGO Food Bank to deliver company products to soup kitchens and common pots.

We are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda

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Av. Víctor A. Belaúnde N° 214 Piso 5 Oficina 501, San Isidro, Lima
Tel.: (511) 056-581150