Quality Management

In Agroindustrial Beta, our purpose is to guarantee and provide top quality products, complying with food safety certifications, to satisfy the expectations of our customers and ensure the sustainability of our company.
Thanks to the work, effort and commitment of our teamwork, our products are consumed in the five continents. Our commitment with improvement is constant and permanently renewed with our management practices.

Certifications and social initiatives

Integrated pest management

We promote and practice sustainable agriculture, with the reduction of chemical control and the implementation of biological, ethological and cultural control to protect our crops.

Laboratories for biological control insects and beneficial microorganisms

We have microbiology laboratories that allow us to effectively control pests, this way we create a biological balance in nature and ensuring safe and innocuous production.

Microbiological monitoring

We evaluate each product to detect possible pathogenic microorganisms and avoid microbial contamination, leaving it ready for export and human consumption.

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Para mayor información contactar a:

Av. Víctor A. Belaúnde N° 214 Piso 5 Oficina 501, San Isidro, Lima
Tel.: (511) 056-581150