Ethics Line

¡Management with transparency!

Agroindustrial Beta is aware that due to the nature of its activities, it could be exposed to risks of corruption, money laundering (ML), financing of terrorism (FT) and influence peddling, either by the direct
action of its collaborators or third parties.

For these purposes, the company has a prevention system implemented since 2019, with a regulatory framework policy, manual and others) for the entire organization. The purpose is to prevent, detect and respond on time to illegal acts, complying with a position of integrity and business ethics, and in compliance with the regulations.

Prevent, detect and respond is our responsibility

Complaints form

Remember: The information provided will be kept in the strictest confidence.

available 24 hours

960188295 / 923212664 / 977822951, Available from Monday to Friday

Located at the entrance of the company

Este contenido está protegido

Ingrese una contraseña para ver.

Para mayor información contactar a:

Av. Víctor A. Belaúnde N° 214 Piso 5 Oficina 501, San Isidro, Lima
Tel.: (511) 056-581150